• Η άποψή σας μετράει!

    Συμπληρώστε τα ερωτηματολόγια μας για την ασφαλή χρήση προϊόντων και βοηθήστε μας να κάνουμε το έργο μας καλύτερο!

    Απαιτούνται μόνο λίγα λεπτά

  • Η πληρέστερη πληροφόρηση του επαγγελματία και του ερασιτέχνη χρήστη πάνω στο πώς να χρησιμοποιεί με ασφάλεια τα χημικά προϊόντα

Policy Area: Chemicals

Project Location: Greece

Budget info:
  • Total project budget: 393,083 Euro
  • Total eligible project budget: 387,083 Euro
  • EU financial contribution requested: 193,541 Euro

Duration: Start: 01/10/2013 – End: 01/4/2016

REACH Database for Safety Data Sheets and Workplace Instruction Cards

The aim of the READ program is the development of a valuable tool with the participation of producers/importers of chemical products that caters to professional users and will provide them with a friendly and direct way the instructions for proper use, in order to ensure their health and the environmental protection.

abs-plus aegean agrolab basf berling chemo-hella chrotex coral druckfarben elfe-group elton elval endless esha euthimiadis feri-tri nanophos fyfe guruaromas hbbody Henkel-Logo homeandcamp kalogeropoulos FARMA CHEM SA MEGARA RESINS neokem MARMOLINE marmoloux oilchemlogo organometal partsalakis penetroncontact prime-solutions sandb sika Spring-Air thess unilever_elais vernicol vitex ecolab agria viopol Novol Kapachim Neotex Ocion Ocion Ocion Vernilac Fleriana Maklin Marine Shop Super Cleaner TEI TCK Fibran Stonecrete Akfa Agroximika Alphastar JVG Farcom Mercola Hardex World Easymix Easymix Defon Buzil ADM DECORfresh Ostria Vechro Chemikon Alfa Hygiene Services Chrostiki Delta Chemicals Dieser Experts IdroChimiki Vima mapei matalon tetralux compo krallis after-8 alphacolors lubrico isomat fitofarmacija
